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Review Of The Danger You Know

This book had it all and what a crazy ride it was from start to finish. Considering that it's a book by Lily White it is to be expected but it still doesn't cease to surprise that with every new book she releases, she outdoes herself and this book is definitely one of the her best works. (For me Five still tops the list). The best way to describe this book - 'eccentric'. Everything about the characters, the plot is crazy and that's what works the best. It's authentic and rich in all it's madness, which is as refreshing as it's terrifying and not to forget HOT! It has the required essential to make for a thorough entertainer. Upon the author's request, I won't get into the details of the story, but it's evident from the blurb that it's the story of a stalker and his prey - and that's just grazing the tip of the iceberg. There are no 'nice' and morally 'right' characters in this story and the book makes no qualms on correcting the characters or even justifying their actions. They are dangerous, scary and downright sexy, and it's this unique concoction that sparked magic and had me glued to the page. Having said that, there were few elements that were predictable and I wish it were a little different, but it does pave way for a more fluid and complete story. Coming to characters - Ari was everything dark and dangerous, a lethal charm to him. Despite knowing just what he did for a living and the extent to which he could go, I couldn't dislike him and giving up on my own conscience, fell for him in many scenes. He screamed danger and sensuality, and his obsession with Adeline formed the crux of the story. Adeline was also a unique female protagonist. It's like there were two faces to her and I like Ari, could connect particularly with the first. She had her ' sleep issues' (author highlights about it before the story starts) that has a strong bearing on the bond between her and her stalker, and makes it all the more understandable. I especially loved her fighting streaks once she successfully 'awakens'. Special mention to Lincoln. As a friend to Ari, he was fun to read and I loved the scenes between him and Ari. Tand once more - This book is smoking HOT. The chemistry between the leads on the leads on the bed is too hot to handle. Overall 5 dark, fiery stars for this book.

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