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Review Of Unfaded

Wooow. I was dying to dive into this book, right after I finished the first one and what a journey it was!!! I usually take five days to a week - my own sweet time to read a book, but I literally devoured this in three days!! It was 'un-put-downable' ( I know I've gone off the rails, making up words but that's the best way to describe just how mesmerizing this book was). It was irresistible, not because there was too much drama and thriller moments but because it was so REAL and soo BEAUTIFUL. ahhh. I can't really stop reeling over just how emotional and gut-wrenching it was. I totally understand why Julie considers Felicity and Ryder her all-time fave couple. It's very hard for a writer to choose favs amongst her books, but Felicity and Ryder as a couple make the whole choice much easier!! I really won't get into the critical aspects of the story. This whole book is all about the 'FEELS' and the writing which is so mature and phenomenal!! Julie has done a super amazing job with her writing in this book. Every word resonates with the chord of our hearts, urging us to read more and more and to not ever stop. I also loved the whole new potential love story that's brimming along the edges between..(hmm, I won't spoil it) but it was worth a mention. More focus was on Carley, Lincoln and Aiden, which I totally liked. I also loved Grayson from the Girl duet making a cameo appearance as Ryder's friend into this. I do this whole characters bonding from different books in my books too:p Even Katherine was mentioned. I was super excited when I spotted her name ;) Overall this story is more about 'how' than 'what' with all of us wishing and hoping for the same ending and Julie delivers it so effectively and dramatically!! Hats off to her. and another news to rejoice- she has pinned two more songs and together they make a mighty fine album! Her lyrics are so tragic and beautiful! Can't get enough of them. I still have one small complaint. Though the whole Felicity's dad issues were sorted, I wish we were shown more about what happened in thsoe two years ( again as flashbacks, especially the Ryder parts). Though it was explained, I wanted to see and delete his pain of those two years. That would give na additional 'tragic' touch to it. Nevertheless, this book deserves five bright shining stars ;) Badly hoping for a spin-off

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