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This Is Me, Baby

his book reminded me as to why I love dark romance as much as I do. K WEBSTER- You are undoubtedly my all time fav author! WHAT A STORY! Hats off and kudos to you. YOU NAILED THIS BOOK. I loved book 1 and 2 of the series and they had me glued to the pages. Book 3 I was a little disappointed since I hadn't expected Hannah to turn out that way. Book 4 started with a character who was newly introduced- Brie, so I had my doubts whether I would completely invest in her story and surprisingly I did. The third book was different and was about stuff I hadn't read before and it was very convincing so yeah, I really liked it but THIS book, the fifth in the series that continues the story of Brie is a true KILLER. Mind-blowing, Spectacular, twisted and I just can't enough of it. This is one of the best series ever with Characters I love but I actually question my own sanity for loving them when I am supposed to be hating them. I mean, I am rooting for GABE!! 'The kidnapper, abuser, rapist, murderer' whom I wanted to kill with my bare hands in the first two books and now?! Towards the end, I was biting my nails, pleading that Gabe should survive and not die?! Seriously something is off with me or K Webster has woven such a dark twisted tale that she totally pulls us into her crazy characters and makes us root and love them because she comes up with even more deathly and scary characters as the story progresses. Women, I am so in awe of you for coming with such a CRAZY story. What I love the lost about this particular book was the character dynamics and the fucked up family?! Gabe and War being pals and working together?! Who would have fucking guessed that?! Gabe is his wife's abductor and rapist but also his supposed son-in-law and the father of his grandkids?! Cherry on the top? War's son Ren is in love with Brie, who is Gabe's daughter with his first wife who was murdered by his daughter-Hannah?! Holy Hell Now this is what you call as a CLUSTERFUCK. And with a setup like this who would not be invested in reading such an intriguing story?! IF not for work I would have probably finished In a single setting. Reason 2 as to why this book is so amazing? REN! Ren! Ren! Really!! What a man!! Even after all shit Brie had to endure, she is truly lucky to have always had REN. He is perfection really and his transition into man was sharp after what he had to see but his final form was SOOOO Damn HOT!! This guy is perfection in my eyes. Long live REN!! I will always be rooting for him. Coming to the third reason- how can I forget daddy DIEGO :p initial reviews of this book spoke a lot about him and it definitely quirked my curiosity. After having read this book, now I know. HE IS SOMETHING ELSE. Charismatic, smart, charming, Frank. He is everything and still a badass and I won't shy away form admitting that I am falling for him. I really want to learn more about him. There has to more to his story and knowing K Webster, I am certain his book is just round the corner. I am happy, like really happy?! Why? Because there is a next book and though I am not sure whether it will have Diego, it's going to be one hell of a love triangle and I really can't wait for it. On a ending note, though I love all these characters a lot, I really want to see more of War and Baylee. Though it's no longer just their story and has branched a lot from them, I really want at least the last book to center around them again. I really liked Baylee as a heroine. She is so strong and sassy and though even Brie is described as a tigress, I still like Baylee more and Hannah is a complete psycho so she is out of the league. THIS SERIES is just.... No words. I love it.

5 Crazy As Fuck stars

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