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Review Of Tess

This book really put my emotions through a grinder and I was very confused about how I feel about this book and that's why it took me an unusually long time to complete this book. I couldn't get a hold over my emotions and my reactions towards the characters were always in the extremes. it started out dark but more than dark this was more of a BDSM kind if I go by the events in the book but the storyline and what it talks about gives it a dark edge. It was written nicely and beautifully but still felt a little jarry at times. Too much of emotional response and description of feelings for an event or a situation - to such an extent that I was left confused on what Tess is feeling in the first place. The story was good and had a lot of potential. I understood the message the author was trying to convey but it failed in the execution. Instead of sending out the right message about two dark and distraught souls with similar desires and cravings finding each other, it told the story of a very confused, masochist girl and a even more confused dominant/sadist?. Until the every last chapter- I was annoyed with every single character though the story was pretty engaging. I really got annoyed with Tess on so many occasions! Every minute her feeling towards a situation or Q in particular keep changing. Being fickle minded is completely acceptable but she took it to completely nee heights! For life of me, she couldn't understand her own feelings and made a complete mess of everything. Instead of getting whole book from her POV if we had gotten at least so chapters from Q's POV, this book would have been so much better!! Speaking of Q, he was perfect for Tess mainly because he was as confusing as Tess and together try left me dizzy (and in not a good way). I was reading about two characters who had no idea about their feelings and kept toying with each other at every turn. Warm and cold. If done cleverly then such a treatment towards each other's births chemist but when it's overdone it just annoys the readers who wishes to arrive at some conclusion. I understand even loving and hating a person at same time but their relationship was neither. It was master slave hatred/ Attraction. I didn't like the way Q and his secrets where handled either. It was at a lack of better word - brash and misleading (at least where Tess was concerned and by how much she knew, he was still an asshole who bought women!! And yet he became her savior?!) One word - extremely confusing But towards the end it redeemed itself pretty well. I didn't like how her ex-bf was dismissed so easily and conveniently either. He also held so much potential! But no, this is Q and Tess's story afterall and it did reach a good resolution but it too long to get there. They are one fucked up couple but when they get into sex, they are one HOT couple. The BDSM parts were written very well. It's a definite highlight of this book. It's explained in vivid detail, making it more delicious and sinister!. Overall I would give it 3.5 stars

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